Tuesday, January 18, 2005


I am taking a break from my usual intellectually advanced Latin titles to encourage my readers to consider attending an excellent conference this summer. It is called the West Coast Worldview Conference, and can be viewed at http://www.wcwc.ws/. It is a week-long conference designed for the education of young reformed Christians (of college or late highschool age) on the history and beliefs of the reformed faith as well as on topics such as godly courtship and the application of one's faith in one's life. The speakers are very good (most are nationally renowned) and the entire experience is a blessing, as I discovered last summer. It is held at a Christian college in the hills of Santa Cruz, CA. While most people who attend are from CA, there are usually several students from out of state also. As long as you can get to the San Jose Airport, you are welcome. So, visit the link, and contact them for more information!


Blogger The Serven Clan said...

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9:48 PM  
Blogger The Serven Clan said...


Are you planning on attending this year? One of my brothers (Nathan or Peter) and I are looking forward to enjoying the fabulous fellowship and teaching again this year. Pastor Joe Morecraft and Mr. Mark Rushdoony are speaking again as well as Pastor RC Sproul Jr, Pastor Christopher Strevel, and Pastor John Weaver.

There is a deal you might think about . . . if you have five friends attend, there is no cost for your registration! So if you and your sisters go, you only need 3 more friends to take advantage of the "motivated student discount". : )
Rebecca Serven

9:48 PM  
Blogger Chris Emlyn said...

Hey Rebecca,

Most likely I won't be attending this year, although the speakers sound excellent. I'm not sure what I will do this summer (the last summer vacation of my life!). I would like to go on a medical mission trip, but I haven't had time to look into it yet. There is a national organization of Christian physicians that sponsor these types of trips, hopefully I will get some leads once I go over their webpage.


12:13 PM  

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