Not much new here. I am currently procrastinating studying and residency-applicationing by internet surfing. I came across a real gem: a
fish empathy quilt. It looks like something I would make as a joke, but these people are actually serious. I was cracking up looking at it--I found the square that used "WWJD" to imply that Jesus would not "torture" fish to be especially intriguing, particularly considering the fact that Jesus' best friends were fishermen. Idiots. If you're going to argue a ridiculous position, at least use arguments that support your position rather than destroy it. While I found the whole thing amusing, it also really ticks me off that there is so much human suffering and immorality in the world, but rather than address that, these buffoons spend there time making "empathy quilts" for fish! Get a life!
To further procrastinate, last Tuesday while I was in radiology, staring at mammograms for hours on end, with nothing more than a far-too-small-cup of coffee to sustain me through the crushing dullness, I thought to myself: "At least this is better than rounding." A small comfort, but a comfort nonetheless until I remembered that I will be on nephrology next month and have been warned that the nephrologists here love rounding like most people love hot fudge sundaes. Brought down by thoughts of portending doom, I decided to express my feelings in a poem--a poem of the modern variety since I do not like modern poems thus feel a modern poem will express my disgust with rounding more effectively than a rhyming poem with syntax and meter. I'm actually making it up as I type, so I'm not sure how it will turn out--I just know that I will die at the end with a small hint of
Death by Rounding:
Rounding, rounding. Pre-rounding, team rounding, attending rounding.
I think I will die.
I have been in the patient's room for fifteen minutes that seem like an eternity
Nothing is being done
I have long since ceased to hear words and now only hear a humming sound
From the attending's perpetually moving lips
Annoying, yet strangely sleep-inducing
I am drifting off the hospital whirls around me
I think I will die.
Left the room the attending turns to me
His lips move but I can't make out the words
It is a question but I don't know what
I don't know I say in a false cheerful voice but I'll look it up and get back to you tomorrow
Knowing full well that tomorrow I'll be dead. Dead from rounding.
We move on to the next room five hours down and still ten rooms to go
I muse to myself and wish Dante were alive now
Inferno would have turned out differently
A new circle of hell probably between the sixth and seventh maybe six and three quarters
Would be rounding always rounding
I think I will die.
Ten fifteen forty-three minutes we start to leave the room and the patient asks a question
The same she has asked for three days in a row and gotten the same twenty minute answer
Every Time
I feel it now
Like a dark black cloud settling over my brain
My vision dims
The outline of white coated residents darkens
They become a row of shadowy specters watching me silently
They see death and respect it
The window is the only light object left and I feel myself moving towards it
As my body collapses to the floor like a scarecrow knocked off its pole
By the wind
With my last breath I hear the team and strangely the patient debating
Is the proper terminology
Death by roundosis or hyperroundosis?